At the center of all of the action is Animus who is yet to learn about all of his abilities. Ava was able to identify his capabilities in science and realized he was the missing member in the STEM agency. Science is a vast field that includes the study of nature, space and the human body. Anthropologist Jane Goodall dedicated her life to studying primates, such as chimpanzees, in the African country of Tanzania. Her research revealed that chimpanzees have strong emotional intelligence and family relationships. Animus was very aware that the elephants had to be understood in order to defeat them and ultimately free them the nefarious control of their foe. Like chimpanzees, elephants are known for being highly intelligent beings.

At the center of all of the action is Animus who is yet to learn about all of his abilities. Ava was able to identify his capabilities in science and realized he was the missing member in the STEM agency. Science is a vast field that includes the study of nature, space and the human body. Anthropologist Jane Goodall dedicated her life to studying primates, such as chimpanzees, in the African country of Tanzania. Her research revealed that chimpanzees have strong emotional intelligence and family relationships. Animus was very aware that the elephants had to be understood in order to defeat them and ultimately free them the nefarious control of their foe. Like chimpanzees, elephants are known for being highly intelligent beings.
Crank it. Pull it. Fix it. Retrofit it. There is very little that Marcia, the DayDreamer Engineering Agent, cannot do. She applies the principles used by other engineers, such as Lonnie Johnson the inventor of the Super Soaker and Nikola Tesla who made advancements in electrical engineering, to make objects propel in the air. Isaac Newton is a world renowned STEM agent whose laws about emotion re still being used today. One of his most important ones - his first law, states that an object that is at rest will remain at rest unless an outside force acts upon it. Marcia definitely considered this law when helping to construct the suit. To make Animus propel forward, force had to be applied. Marcia certainly was inspired by biomedical engineering, which is the development of artificial limbs and organs. Through 3D printing, and the study of how the skeletal systems of insects function, Marcia was able to contribute greatly to the ARKS team!

Steve is a real character. He is as funny as he is smart and his smarts with computers was highly valuable to the team on their first mission together. Steve is the DayDreamer Technology Agent that builds and uses devices, such as computers and machines, based on ideas that come from science. Without Steve, the team could not make the robotic mice move remotely. Steve was able to apply coding, a computer language, to set up commands the robots would move across the path of the robotic elephants. Steve was probably inspired by the technology gurus Steve Jobs, Bill Gates who founded Apple, Microsoft and Facebook.

Math is in EVERYTHING. Prices of toys, the measurement of someone’s height and even calculating changes in temperature involve math. Lima, the DayDreamer Math Agent, is an amazing mathematician who assisted her team in determining the necessary dimensions of Animus’ exoskeleton suit. To be effective, the suit has to be light enough to allow Animus to move deftly and it still needed adequate coverage to protect him against the assault from the robotic elephants. One of history’s most famous mathematicians, Albert Einstein who used math to study the concepts of light and time would be impressed at Lima’s ability to use math to calculate distance through sound. Without her, Animus may not have known when to stay still and when to pounce during battle.